Gano Excel USA Announces Summer Regional Events

Gano Excel is proud to host its G:2019 regional events this summer — where the “G” stands for the greatness of Ganoderma!

Each day starts with the rising sun. Each night, the rising moon. This summer is your time to rise.

Do you find yourself struggling and striving for the abundance and prosperity you want to offer yourself and others? A new dawn is on the horizon for you. One of health and wealth. Imagine a world where the values of harmony, energy, and revitalization are visible everywhere. That dream, one of greater health and wealth for all, is the heart of Gano Excel.

G:2019 is your opportunity to learn about the amazing value of Ganoderma lucidum. Harnessing the greatness of this organic herb can improve the health of you and your family, and provide a sustainable and even residual income that realize a new lifestyle.

Find out how simple and possible for you — yes, YOU — to create wealth sharing the incredible health of Ganoderma with others.

Gano Excel is offering TWO events this summer that all Affiliates, customers, and prospects are welcome to attend. Join us in Sacramento for our English program on July 20, and in Fresno for our Spanish program on August 24. Both events are open to you, regardless of what language you prefer. Take it as an amazing opportunity to invite your prospects to learn more about Ganoderma ludicum and see what an amazing company Gano Excel USA is.

RISE (English program)
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Sacramento, CA at the Doubletree by Hilton
10:00AM to 2:00PM; registration opens 9:00AM
$20 ticket price

ELÉVATE (Spanish program)
August 24, 2019
Fresno, CA
at the Radisson Hotel Conference Center
10:00AM to
2:00PM; registration opens 9:00AM
pre-sale price (ends August 23rd); $35 at the door

**Please note: All Affiliates are welcome to attend both events!

Your new life is ready to dawn. Now is the time to shine!
Check out this quick tutorial by Gano Excel USA on how to purchase your tickets for the upcoming events.

G:2019 is YOUR opportunity to RISE!
Here’s what you can expect from these GREAT events happening this summer!
· Meet company leadership firsthand
· Taste the amazing GanoCafé products for yourself
· Learn about the unique benefits of Ganoderma lucidum
· Hear Gano Excel customers SHARE about this life-changing opportunity
· Be the first to hear exciting company announcements
· Start your very own home-based coffee business on the spot!


Reserve your seat by purchasing your ticket TODAY!


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