We must give credit to all of you moms out there who are building a business and also raising children at home. You are amazing! For those of you reading and wondering if network marketing is something you can do when you already feel so busy, browse “mom entrepreneur” on your next Google search and you are sure to find a motherlode of inspiration.

One especially inspiring story is that of Julie Aigner-Clark, founder of the massively successful Baby Einstein brand of products. Within five years Baby Einstein generated more than $20 million, and Julie did this without having any previous business experience. Most of all, Julie attributes her success to her remembering her “why.” Julie’s life changed when she became pregnant with her first child. She was teaching high school at the time but decided to give up her formal career in order to stay at home with her daughter. Julie has said in interviews about her success that when her daughter was born she had no intention of going back to work. Instead, she was fully committed to her new role as mom.

Baby Einstein was born out of her “why” of sharing an early appreciation for art and music with her newborn baby daughter. Her daughter unsurprisingly was not engaged by museums, and Julie was not satisfied with the children’s content available as she felt it was not aged appropriately for a young baby. She decided to create her own content just for her daughter. She thought that perhaps other parents would like to use it for their own children as well. Isn’t that the heart of network marketing? Just like Julie, when you taste a delicious and healthy cup of GanoCafé coffee at home, do you not think of at least one or two other people who may enjoy it as well?

Julie did not act on these thoughts right away. About one year later, she decided to take her Baby Einstein video to a national toy trade show. After many rejections, she secured a single buyer. Her video was a huge hit, and soon she was receiving calls from buyers across the country. Her example of tenacity shows what you can accomplish when you believe in your product so strongly. Thankfully, your opportunity with Gano Excel allows you to start earning immediately and without a hefty investment or insecurity of a traditional startup. Thanks to our founder, Mr. Leow Soon Seng, all of the heavy lifting is already done. For you, it can be as simple as sharing and earning.

In 2001, Julie made the decision to sell Baby Einstein to the Walt Disney Company, who took the brand internationally and expanded the product lines beyond what Julie could have done on her own. She remembered her “why,” and chose to continue working primarily from home, where she could spend time with her children and be the mom she wanted to be. She allowed her “why” to define what success looked like for her. With Gano Excel, you also have the opportunity to shape your own success based on your own goals and your own “why.” That is what being your own boss is all about after all!

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